Holistic nutrition is the preventative practice of fuelling your mind, body and spirit in a way to support its optimal function. It is a practice that encourages you to get back to the basics of eating whole foods, listening to, and honoring your body with movement and lifestyle changes. What separates the concepts of holistic nutrition with other nutritional school thoughts, is simply that we believe and honor that the mind, body and spirit are all somehow connected to your overall wellness.

Holistic Nutrition


  • learn how to eat healthier

  • feel more energy

  • balance hormones
  • reduce stress, depression, anxiety
  • have clear skin
  • maintain a healthy body weight
  • reduce mood swings
  • maintain healthy menstrual cycles
  • move towards more plant based-diet
  • reduce emotional/binge eating
  • reduce inflammation


Our goal is to empower you to transform your life by listening to your body’s cues, insights and intuitions. By implementing various techniques and tools that will help you create a healthy relationship with yourself and food. We have three nutrition plans carefully put together to better suit your needs – Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition for the Mind and Ayurveda Coaching. Also new DNA collection kits (Nutrigenomix test) now available to assist you in your discovery.


Our nutritionist believes in Whole Live Natural Foods. Living beings come into this world to live, prosper, grow, change, and transform. We are fortunate to be surrounded by the gift of life and all of the necessary natural resources this planet provides for us to thrive in alignment.

Holistic Nutrition focuses on the complete profile of that food; the soil in which it grows, the water it feeds, and the nutrients found within the food before it goes through any manufacturing process. To recognize that every plant-based food, or whole food such as Wild Fish and Meat, is designed by nature to give us everything we need to function optimally. However, if this food is manipulated and processed, filled with chemicals, hormones and unnatural, we turn a natural healing medicine into a toxic drug system.

We will discover which system in your body, whether that be your Digestive, Nervous or Immune, might need extra support to function optimally. Once we understand your Biochemical Makeup, health concerns and needs, we can design a nutrition plan that provides the essential nutrients necessary to heal and balance your Body, Mind and Spirit.


The brain is like a computer that programs and processes information in the quality of the fuel we provide. Therefore, for our Brain to have the will and strength to function accordingly and process the mind with nutritional information, it must have abundant clean energy from nutrient-dense foods.

Today, we are surrounded by processed foods, unhealthy habits, societal conditioning, and several environmental toxins that influence how our mind processes information. If our brain cells are tired and unable to work efficiently because of these factors, it becomes more challenging to find self-awareness, make conscious decisions for our health and maintain a positive frame of mind. In addition, this unfortunate factor can lead to mood disorders such as Depression, anxiety, Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and so on.

In this session, we will focus on Brain health, Mindfulness and Psychology and utilizing food, lifestyle and supplement practices, as well as spiritual to make a healthy brain and mind.


The ancient Indian medical system, also known as Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. It magnetizes your intuition and creates a sense of awareness of what your Body, Mind and Spirit. Ayurveda focuses on recognizing the symptoms through the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, thus being able to adjust the lifestyle and diet to restore balance.

This session will focus on your personal Dosha, which describes your elemental constitution. We look at you as an individual, your unique blueprint, energy imbalances, DNA, spiritual and karmic responsibilities, upbringings, injuries, emotional and physical trauma, etc. We will identify your symptoms and the energy the symptoms are associated with and counterbalance the Dosha (energy) to restore harmony in your body, mind and soul. This internal compass will be with you for the rest of your life as you learn to be intimate with your food, habits, and emotional and mental needs.

Detoxification Via Ayurvedic Principles is beneficial to do between seasons, two – four times a year. By allowing your body, mind and soul to clear out old debris within your previous cycle, you create space to thrive and become a better, refreshed new version of yourself in the following process of your life. The effects include restored sense of calm to the mind and the nervous system. Improved sense of energy and vitality. Maintenance of a healthy body weight.

Three Ayurvedic detox packages available to try on your journey.

  • 7-Day Personalized plan is for a generally healthy person who desires a short reset in their digestive system.
  • 14-Day Personalized plan is for a person who needs an extra boost in their health and a deeper focus on their Detox systems.
  • 27-Day personalized plan is for someone who has exhausted their detoxification organs and needs thorough healing.



Three DNA collection test available to discover the status of your gene for either Health, Sport or Fertility. DNA Collection testing available in 70-gene test and 77-gene test (includes hormones & methylation)

Personalized Nutrition and Fitness Test – Recommendations for general health and wellness based on your Genes. Better Weight Management / Understand your Nutrient Metabolism / Know your Cardiometabolic Health / Learn about Food Intolerances / The best type of Physical Activity for your Body.

Personalized Sports and Athletic Test – recommended to determine your necessary nutrient requirements, body composition, cardiometabolic health, food intolerances, injury risks, and eating habits practices. Learn how your genes can affect your: Recovery / Injury Risk / Motivation / Metabolism / Mental Focus / Eating Habits / Pain Tolerance / Aerobic Capacity / Food Intolerances / Body Composition / Nutrient Requirements / Exercise Performance.

Personalized Fertility Gene Test – Recommended to determine if your system is receiving enough Vitamins to optimize your Fertility?

reserve your appointment

Text at (613) 261-4233 or book your appointment online.


This is the place to release daily stress, discover new health paths, and seek expert health advice. We use various modalities and offer a range of services to support your holistic well-being journey.

reserve your appointment

Text at (613) 261-4233 or book your appointment online.